Movement & Creativity

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Abilities Through Movement with Jeremy Krauss

Jeremy Krauss discusses JKA-ATM and Feldenkrais ATM (12 min)

Topics: Differences and similarities between JKA-ATM (Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Through Movement) & Feldenkrais ATM (Awareness Through Movement) / Variations in ways of attending to yourself in movement / Self-regulation / Awareness as an ability / The mechanics of change / Novelty / Perspectives on efforting more or less

How do physical changes in JKA-ATM influence emotional well-being and creative thinking? (13 min)

Topics: Creating change in movement influences emotional, cognitive and sensory domains / Ease, anxiety, stress and relationship to environment / Going slower or faster / Reducing or increasing effort / How to listen to a pleasant sensation / Avoiding emotional life through feeling good in movement / Limbic resonance through mirroring / Changes in mood, aliveness, feeling taller / Loosening patterns of behavior / Feeling more connected to yourself and other people / Secure and insecure attachment / Attaching on to yourself and listening to your own needs / Self-regulation / Resilience / Feeling better to gravity, feeling better with yourself

JKA-ATM Intro lesson to Creating Change Workshop (25 min)

Some experiences from the intro class: Change can be so quick! / I feel emotions release. Great! / Such simple things create clear changes and open new spaces. / Legs feel larger and longer / Range of motion in trunk increased / My legs feeling more active and participating in stand and gait. / I have a real sense of well being. It especially helps a knee issue on the left side"Lumbar relaxed / Increased awareness and articulation of joints / Feeling much freer :-)

About Jeremy Krauss

Jeremy Krauss has been teaching and having a private practice for over 40 years. He is the Founder and Director of a new and unique understanding and perspective of early movement development for working with Special Needs Children and adults in therapeutic learning situations – The Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA). He has created an interdisciplinary training program to educate people in the JKA and teaches and presents JKA worldwide. Jeremy has also been a Feldenkrais Educational Director for over 25 years. Jeremy’s knowledge of the early development and classical Feldenkrais is unsurpassed. He is recognised worldwide as an excellent teacher for both his clarity as well as his creative abilities in presenting practical and theoretical aspects and in developing new and unique materials. His specialty is his extraordinary ability in working with Special Needs Children with developmental challenges and disorders as well as teaching and presenting complex skills in developmental and Functional Hands-on. Learn more about Jeremy’s work here: