On Simplicity and Complexity
Make it easy, simple, slow.
All simple things are complex.
There is an easier, simpler way of doing it.
...spontaneously to your entire being (you)
...suddenly feel life to be beautiful,
simple, pleasant, comfortable.
There is not a thing in our life, in our action, that is just a simple thing. It's maybe simple because it's familiar, but it's not simple. It's very, very complex.
Do the simplest movement you can do.
Make that simple and easy.
Nothing is simple in this world.
It’s not so simple.
...you can see that unless you yourself make your life connected with society, connected with the future of humanity ... unless you think that way, you will never be able to help anyone, really… it’s not simple and it’s very
simple at the same time.
- Moshe Feldenkrais
This is a found poem created from Moshe Feldenkrais’ teaching in his last professional training in Amherst, MA in 1980-81. The word "simple" comes up 370 times in the transcript!
Shared with permission from the International Feldenkrais Federation.