Practices in the Library:

The Feldenkrais Method® is a process of embodied learning through movement and awareness that gives you access to your potential.

“As a student/practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method, it reminded me of what I experienced as being essential to the method and also of what I want to convey to students as a practitioner. The contents of the library have a richness on a master level, for with them my learning is growing in depth." - Sofia Figueiredo

 Organic Intelligence® is the art of attuning to your nervous system’s naturally arising impulses that move you into your life path.

"Movement & Creativity Library means spaciousness and expansion for me. Here, I always find calm, gratitude and trust in human potential.”

Creative process is a powerful way to integrate the fullness of your life experience and connect to the world around you. Learn more.

"A more alive, artful and creative outlook on my day-to-day activities."