​It’s been a long journey…

Here’s the short and sweet version.

I grew up ashamed of by body.

I was a head/ eyes/ hands person.

The space between

my head

and feet



I learned about the The Feldenkrais Method® in 2002 from my mom (thanks mom!) The Feldenkrais Method opened a door that changed the course of my life path. Here’s a video of me balancing books on my hands and feet while I was 8 months pregnant:

Feldenkrais made changes on many levels.

Feldenkrais changed how I move,
how I see myself,
how I think,

How I dream
live, sense,
feel, be.

After radical life changes there were still 2 missing puzzle pieces for me.

Feldenkrais touched and impacted these for me and my clients, but I knew there was more depth, nuance, skill and support that I wanted/ needed.

1. Emotional Well-being

Organic Intelligence® (OI) is a key puzzle piece AND bigger picture map to support the ongoing art of being human, with our natural and inevitable ups and downs and waves of stress, anxiety and challenges to our nervous systems/ lives.

I love how Organic Intelligence (like Feldenkrais) does not fixate on trauma and instead is oriented towards post trauma growth, focusing on the integration of the whole person in relationship to their environment. With genuine human connection, compassion, attunement and skill to follow the intelligence of our nervous systems we grow our capacity to naturally heal and self-organize.

Seeing life's challenges and gifts within a complex systems framework brings such hopefulness and possibility for organic growth, lasting change and support for living a joyful, creative life. Being well oriented in the here and now supports us to be well oriented on our life path, moving and being moved in meaningful and enlivening directions → → → Learn more about 1:1 OI sessions - Online or in person in Somerville, MA

2. Strength, Stability, Clarity

and a new level of creativity

The Jeremy Krauss Approach® has rejuvinated my approach to movement and teaching and opens up new dimensions and possibilities for moving, feeling and thinking.

Through the clarity, creativity & support of JKA Abilities Lessons in Movement and JKA Solvents and Glue I have a whole new toolbox for experiencing and developing more strength, stability, springiness, uprightness, confidence, joy, aliveness, freedom, and vitality and I’m enjoying sharing these enlivening practices alongside my husband Matty Wilkinson in our new Movement and Creativity Live. (you can attend live online or via recordings)

In addition to teaching original material created by Jeremy Krauss, I feel tapped into a new well-spring of creativity in teaching and creating new multi-dimensional, interconnected movement lessons that are support people to feel:


anxiety, depression, pain, discomfort


alive, upright, strength, stability, mobility, balance, calm, enlivened, hopeful

Ways of working together

I work online and in person (Somerville, MA) with a wide range of amazing humans, including: artists, writers, teachers, therapists, entrepreneurs, caregivers, parents, those with stress/ anxiety/ pain/ chronic illness & people who want to integrate physical, emotional & creative well-being into their lives.

Practice at home

Online Memberships
Movement & Creativity Library
Movement & Creativity Live

Courses w/ me & guest teachers
Self-paced Courses

Work 1:1

Book a 1:1 session (online or in person in Somerville, MA)

My book Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning, published in 2014 is a visual guide to the writings of Moshe Feldenkrais. I hope it will help make Feldenkrais' writings more accessible to people – those familiar with the Method, as well as those who are new to it.

"Feldenkrais’ work and writing is a great contribution to our understanding of human development, consciousness, and healing. Feldenkrais Illustrated provides a much needed bridge between the somatic practice of the Feldenkrais Method and the rich depth of his theories and philosophy" -David Knoerr, Founder, Watertown Center for Healing Arts

Education & Certifications

2018-2024 Organic Intelligence® Trainings – San Diego, CA & Online
2023 Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Lessons in Movement Teacher Training & JKA Solvents and Glue Teacher Training –  Rottach-Egern, Germany & Online
2013 Contemplative Dance/ Authentic Movement Training – Westfield, MA
2011 Contemplative Dance/ Authentic Movement Training – Westfield, MA
2007 Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential – Oakland, CA
2006 Feldenkrais® Professional Training Program – Berkeley, CA
2000 B.A. Visual Art and Literature, Mills College – Oakland, CA

2025 JKA Functional Hands-on Practitioner
2023 JKA Abilities Lessons in Movement Teacher
2023 JKA Solvents and Glue Teacher
2006 Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner
2004 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Teacher

More info about my teachers, places I have taught & where my work has been published.