
The Feldenkrais Method is a process of embodied learning through movement and awareness developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, a physicist, engineer, judo master and student of human development. In the 1940-1970's he explored the interconnections between the body, mind, environment, and self development. 

“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.” –Moshe Feldenkrais

During your free trial of Movement and Creativity Library from Dec 12-Jan 1, you will have access to an extensive library of Feldenkrais audio recordings. Here are a few to get you started.

The invitation is to move gently and slowly with the least amount of effort. A little can go a long way!

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons:

“With paying attention, learning, doing, we improve and enlarge our horizons.” - Moshe Feldenkrais

The video and audio are de-synced in some places, but you’ll get the idea! You can also watch the 14 min FB live version here.

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Organic Intelligence is the art of attuning to your nervous system’s naturally arising impulses that move you into your life path.

Organic Intelligence helps to bring us back to biological synchrony and supports us to recognize our wholeness

Shifting your attention to the present moment and mapping your environment with your senses reorients you within your life. When your underlying biology and internal rhythms become more harmonious and find their organic osccillation (expansion/ contraction, acceleration/ deceleration, activation/ deactivation), a natural expansion of capacity occurs.

Organic Intelligence, developed by Steve Hoskinson, integrates complexity science, Somatic Experiencing, the work of Milton Erickson and Carl Jung, polyvagal theory, aikido, deep ecology, play, and the fractal nature of body & mind. Check out Steve’s podcast The End of Trauma, where he explains our addiction to the “What’s Wrong Attention” and how our problem is our focus on the “problem”.

Intro to Organic Intelligence: Planning to Flow with Steve Hoskinson, December 17, 2-3pm

Here is an Organic Intelligence audio download to practice on your own when the time is right. Explore more guided orientation practices in Movement and Creativity Library.

quote by Steve Hoskinson

quote by Steve Hoskinson

Guided Orientation Exercise:

Seeing Your Nervous System
Online Workshop with Mary Bacha

password: integration

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Chronic pain and muscle tension, digestive upset, fatigue, anxiety or depression, difficulty healing, restlessness, trouble focusing or relationship imbalance- these are some of the most common signs your nervous system could be overloaded or running in different survival modes.

This introduction will help you understand the process of regulating your nervous system.

Participants will have the opportunity to share in guided explorations to tap the power of the vagus nerve, the primary neural pathway which helps us feel secure, connected with others and calm.

Begin or progress your journey of inner harmony and growth by learning to recognize the circuits, modes and parts of your nervous system.  

This seminar will be especially helpful if you or someone close to you struggle with any of the above issues or if you are a health practitioner, parent or caregiver,  as nervous systems develop and re-pattern with the support and influence of those who have cultivated loving presence and understanding.


Mary Bacha sees and engages the kid in everyone. She specializes in nurturing adults and children to develop resilience from trauma, deepening and lengthening their lifespan. Mary is a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist certified in Feldenkrais (R) and Body-Mind Centering (R). She teaches around the world with established practices in Seattle, Portland and online. She is currently finishing her thesis on the vagal system to complete her education as an Osteopath from the Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal.

Creative Confidence with Amy Walsh

password: integration


This is an opportunity to come together with other creators (of any kind) and shine a light on blocks and limiting beliefs that can hinder the full flower of your imagination and creative processes.

In this workshop, after messing with our creative confidence blocks and trying out new methods of expanding your vision, we’ll do a visioning exercise called “Listening to the Future.”

Amy Walsh is a visual artist, and visual storytelling and branding educator for small businesses and organizations. She teaches people with projects - whether its a business, organization, or other body of work - to communicate the content of their work with imagination, creative skill and ethical marketing savvy. She’s also super geeked out about how to unleash the limitless imaginative and culture-making capacities in all of us. 

Intro to Organic Intelligence:
Planning to Flow with Steve Hoskinson

password: integration

In this mini-workshop Steve Hoskinson will give you insights into the “joy-filled biohacks” of Flow. Often we think of these as opposites: creativity and planning, inspiration and perspiration, surrender and control, spontaneity and training, improvisation and practice. In this workshop, however, Steve will show you how they go together, and how Flow States are a special alchemy of intention that has both conscious and unconscious avenues. 

Through OI we can learn the gentle secrets for speaking the language of our creative genius, and how to attend kindly to our creative impulses— from inception to germination and then to creative expression. This workshop will help you be more productive, creative and happy!


Steve Hoskinson, as a therapist, has trained therapists around the globe for nearly 20 years. His specialty is complex systems, and understanding how biology meets psychology. His teaching as Founder of Organic Intelligence® is now being made widely available to coaches, professionals and non-professionals alike.

Since 1999, Steve has trained thousands of individuals in the helping professions in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East in the art of the compassionate treatment of trauma. As a leader in the Somatic Psychology field, Steve worked as International Training Faculty for the Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute for 17 years and is currently Adjunct Faculty for JFK University’s Somatic Psychology program.