"This practice is putting people back on their feet again. Discovering a seemingly lost part of the body is like bringing life back. That is priceless and will effect every other thing one does from here on out. Especially because it LASTS!!!!!!! Can you believe that? It actually lasts." - Member

Practices, tools and community to support you to:

⇨ move from disconnection / pain / anxiety / overwhelm / stress / low energy

⇨ to connection / inspiration / mobilty / stability / strength / presence / enthusiasm

⇨ expand your abilities to move / sense / feel / think / imagine / create

⇨ build an alive, evolving and deepening practice

Choose between powerful 15 minute practices or longer sequences that connect and deepen over time

How a class typically works:

1. Scan

Orient to the present moment

What do you notice in your environment?

What do you sense right now?

2. Move

Elemental building blocks 

added together in a variety of ways

create change.

Our brains love n o v e l t y

This is how we grow

lying down, sitting, standing, walking

new directions, possibilities & abilities

3. Notice

Freedom in movement

Uprightness without effort

Easier breathing

Mobile and stable

Strong and energized

Watch creativity emerge

Movement and Creativity Live Membership

Cost: $149 / monthly

Cancel anytime. There are no refunds, but you can cancel future payments anytime.

To inquire about partial scholarships or if you have other questions contact us

What’s Included:

Live and online classes 3-4 times per week + workshops and recordings with Tiffany Sankary and Matty Wilkinson. If you're local to the Boston area you can come to a weekly small group in-person class :)

  • In depth Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) lessons on the floor + JKA Solvents and Glue, a life changing standing practice you can do anywhere

  • Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais’ original teaching materials

  • Organic Intelligence® Orientation practices and guidance

⇨ Vision - Supportive structures, community & embodied practices to organize your creative projects, to do’s, big picture life vision, and take the next steps on your path.

⇨ Alive, fresh, rotating and curated Movement and Creativity playlists, experiments, structures and community

⇨ Access to Movement and Creativity Library Membership - Searchable Archive of 400+ Feldenkrais®, JKA, Organic Intelligence® practices and creative resources

About Tiffany Sankary

Tiffany Sankary is the creator of MovementandCreativity.com, a treasure trove of online resources curated from somatic practitioners from around the world to support physical, emotional and creative well-being. Tiffany is an artist, mother, curator and collaborator who practices and teaches the Jeremy Krauss Approach, The Feldenkrais Method® and Organic Intelligence® (in person & online). She is the illustrator and editor of Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning, a visual guide to the philosophy and writings of Moshe Feldenkrais. She is currently working on a new book and is the organizer of the 2025 JKA Solvents and Glue Teacher Training.

About Matty Wilkinson

Matty Wilkinson is a Feldenkrais Method®, Anat Baniel Method® for Children, and Jeremy Krauss Approach practitioner in private practice in Boston and online. He is fascinated by the developmental process and believes in the innate potential of each individual to learn. In 2001 Matty began teaching preschool, studying child development, and joined a Feldenkrais® training. He earned a MA in Child Development from Tufts University in 2009. In 2022 Matty began studying and training with Jeremy Krauss in Solvents & Glue, Abilities Lessons in Movement, and Developmental Hands On. As a neurodevelopmental consultant, Matty coaches parents and educators to create optimal conditions for children’s learning, applying his expertise as an early childhood educator, sensorimotor practitioner, and father.

Movement and Creativity lessons you can do anywhere

  • Boost your energy

  • Reduce stress / anxiety / pain

  • Easy uprightness without self correction

  • Rebalance & realign after too much sitting / driving / computering

  • Presence, clarity, calm, stability

  • Organize your movement, your thinking & your life path direction

“This has changed my life in the sense that I have confidence that my body can change with this practice. I walk more freely and with stability. When I would even put on clothes, I had trouble lifting one foot without losing my balance. Gone! Stable.. I am more upright. I can breath better." - Member

“JKA feels like a structural reset and progressive strengthening.” - Shatay

“Ways to learn & grow @ my fingertips! So many lessons have been novel for me & have helped me discover blind spots in physical organization &, even more interestingly, IDEAS around my own movement that I didn't know I had, ideas for asking questions. As a bodyworker myself, the learning re functional movement has also been useful in helping clients. Noticing ways I've always tried really hard, realizing it isn't necessary!” - Member

“I haven’t ever experienced anything quite like JKA the way I can start out feeling so tired, stiff and unresponsive then gradually transition into feeling energized, aligned, enthused and transformed into yet another level of well-being.

You’re new or experienced

→ You’re new to mind/ body practices looking for an efficient, effective and impactful approach to improving posture, movement, overall well-being and the art of being human

→ Or you have experience with the Feldenkrais Method®, Jeremy Krauss Approach, Bones for Life, Pilates, Yoga or other mind-body practices and are looking for fresh resources, novel lessons and inspiration for ongoing practice

“I love your JKA classes! I'm a Feldenkrais practitioner & these classes definitely add a new & welcome element to the practice - clarity, stability, freshness.” -Member

You have physical or emotional challenges

→ You have challenges with pain (back, neck, foot, ankle, knee, shoulder), plantar fasciitis, sciatica, scoliosis or hypermobility

→ You feel stressed out and/ or you experience, anxiety, overwhelm, low energy or more energy than you know what to do with

→ You want to prevent and recover from injuries & surgeries and stay mobile, supple and strong as you age

You move or want to move

→ You’re an active mover looking for practices to compliment physical exercise, sports or wellness practice

→ You want to develop a regular movement practice that balances mobility, stability, strength & clarity, that builds overtime, with support of community

You are creative and amazing!

→ You’re an artist / writer / musician / dancer / actor / entrepreneur who wants to go to the next level of your work, play, teaching, practicing, & creating

→ You don’t consider yourself particularly creative and you underestimate the power of your creativity. You’re ready for a welcoming environment to explore, experiment and grow

Movement and Creativity Inspiration

→ You’re looking for fresh resources, novel lessons and inspiration for ongoing practice


  • Live online classes will happen 3-4X/ week in the membership. Below is a sample schedule. We send out an updated schedule each month. If you can’t attend live you can access the replays in the alive, curated, rotating playlist of lessons

    Weekly Vision / Tiffany
    Move into your week with ease and clarity
    9-10am ET

    Floor lessons / Tiffany

    JKA Abilities Movement lessons
    1-2pm ET

    Standing Level 1 / Matty

    JKA Solvents and Glue
    1-2pm ET

    JKA Experiments / Tiffany

    JKA Solvents and Glue + Abilities Lessons on the Floor
    1-1:20pm ET

    Standing Level 2
    JKA Solvents and Glue / Tiffany
    1:30-2pm ET


  • If you can’t attend live you can access the replays in the curated, rotating playlist of lessons.

  • Yes! Movement & Creativity LIVE membership includes 1 weekly in person class + occasional workshops.

    For our upcoming calendar and class location(s), reach out to support@movementandcreativity.com

  • Solvents = dissolve old patterns
    Glue = strength & stability

    See an interview with Jeremy Krauss about the origins of JKA Solvents and Glue

  • Jeremy Krauss originally taught JKA Solvents and Glue Part 1 & 2 in two 4 day workshops (8 days total)

    In Movement & Creativity LIVE we will share sequences from this original S & G material + add nuance, clarifications, variations in other positions using JKA Abilities lessons on the floor and Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons.

    The JKA classes in the membership will be BOTH a review and further clarification / elaboration/ re-combination / riffing off / zooming in and out from the original material.

    The structure of the membership supports the ability to BUILD and evolve the ONGOING PRACTICE of JKA Solvents & Glue, combined with supportive lessons on the floor.

  • Yes! You can cancel the membership anytime.

    There are no refunds, but you can cancel future payments anytime in your membership settings or by emailing us :)

Supportive structures to keep our practices alive, fresh, growing and deepening over time.

What students are saying:

"Anxiety is lower, energy is higher."

"I loved experiencing the power of uprightness with strength and without rigidity from bottom to top.”

"I was depressed in the beginning of the series and not now. I feel more motivated and goal oriented."

“I found the once a week class helped me to continue my practice on a regular basis, and the more I practice the stronger I feel. ” 

"I was especially interested as I have a mangled left shoulder- two full joint replacements. So far, Solvents & Glue has been the best support for movement & rehab."

“I so appreciated the pace the breaks , the structure its like the whole thing matched my internal rhythm! can’t express how grateful my system feels. 🙏♥️ And in that beautiful rhythm, a quiet feeling kept deepening, my shoulder blades kept expanding, and my impulses were more and more playful in the creative process.”

“I start the class feeling a bit sluggish. After each class, I feel upbeat and full of energy.”