JKA Solvents & Glue Part 1 & 2

Part 2 / March 20-23 - Live with Jeremy Krauss in Boston or via Zoom

Part 1 & 2 - Korea and Japan

Find new & creative ways to foster strength, flexibility & stamina in being upright.

What is JKA Solvents and Glue?

JKA Solvents and Glue is a movement system created and developed by Jeremy Krauss.

An ingenious new and unique series of extraordinarily effective movement lessons that support feelings of:

stability • mobility • clarity
solidity • strength • stamina
connection • confidence • balance • upright • vitality

Solvents and Glue is a special 2 part series of lessons for strengthening, solidifying, and special toning through an enormous variety of very precise movements that bring structural clarity to major joints of the body.

The sequences are invigorating to the musculoskeletal system and are a fitting complement to Feldenkrais, Yoga, Pilates, as well as any other physical exercise, sport or wellness practice.

You will learn:

  • ways to gain strength and stamina of your legs and upper body

  • clear directions for alignment of your knees, ankles and hips joints

  • to bring more solidity to muscles in your upper thighs

  • clarify the connection of your ankles, buttocks and diaphragm

  • strengthen your upper back

  • find new and creative ways to create flexibility and strength in being upright

At the end of each day you will feel strength, stamina, solidity and a unique flexibility at the same time.

The sequences build up from day to day and can be used as a routine of movements to practice.

Learn about what’s possible:


Part 1

is done almost exclusively in standing. Part 1 creates the foundation of the Solvents and Glue practice with a specific structure that builds from the ground up, focusing on alignment and relationships of feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, pelvis and spine.

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Part 2

is done in a variety of positions such as on the back, in a chair as well as standing. Part 2 builds off the foundation of Part 1 and adds on the upper body and use of the arms, neck, shoulders, upper back and includes innovative and effective use of Pilates Rings.

Who is this for?

These workshops are open to all. No previous experience necessary.

The lessons and sequences in this unique workshop series can be applied directly to your own personal health and well-being practices.

For those who practice a variety of somatic method/ practices that focus more on making ourselves looser and more flexible. This workshop will help those that need more ‘glue’, solidity and stability.

For those who practice Bones for Life - You will find this a very fitting addition and compliment to the understanding and use of the upright position.

For those who practice Pilates - you will gain a new perspective and understanding of the positions used in Pilates and how to improve your practice in them

For those with other somatic practices including JKA, Feldenkrais, Yoga, dance - you will find original ways to assist your daily practice

Why "solvents" and "glue"? (3 min):

A zoom participant after the first 2 days of the workshop:

"Just these 10 hours feels equivalent and as personally beneficial to roughly half of my Feldenkrais training! S&G has helped me more in 2 days than any PT, acupuncture, massage, or pain management treatment I’ve yet tried. The significance of this is enormous for someone whose pain level is almost never below 7."

These workshops are open to everyone. No previous experience necessary.

Each Part can be done separately.

Part 1: open to all
Part 2: open to all who completed S & G Part 1 and reviewers

Jeremy taught an inspiring and enlightening S & G Part 1 in Boston in November 2024. The 4 day workshop was professionally videoed and now is available for more learning opportunities.

There’s now an opportunity to experience JKA Solvents & Glue Part 1 via recordings, hosted by teachers around the world. This format creates the possibility for in depth learning from the video material.

JKA Solvents & Glue Part 2 - Live with Jeremy

March 20-23 / BOSTON & ZOOM

In person location: 17 Spring Street, Watertown, MA

10am-4:30pm ET with a 90 min lunch break

This is the first time Jeremy will teach S & G Part 2 in Boston! You can join live in person or online via Zoom.

JKA Solvents & Glue Part 1 & 2

via video Hosting

FOR KOREA: Contact Younjin Kim jyyyj5@gmail.com

FOR JAPAN: Contact Kaori JKAトレーニング東京 mail@jkatraining-tokyo.com



  • $800 for one workshop

  • $1500 for two workshops

Movement and Creativity Live members - email for coupon code

$450 (For those who have previously taken S & G Part 1 and 2 with Jeremy) Email for coupon code. Only one discount applies per person.

Release forms (Terms and Conditions / Photo, Audio & Video Release / Privacy Policy)

About Jeremy Krauss:

In his over 40 years of teaching and clinical practice Jeremy has taught hundreds of students in his JKA work and the Feldenkrais Method. He has graduated 14 trainings of the JKA work with children and is now in his all inclusive 3 year Abilities Training. Jeremy Krauss was a direct student of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and in his career presenting Dr. Feldenkrais’s ideas he directed personally over 28 training programs. He has also created and developed groundbreaking work in the field of early developmental movement and its applications to special needs children. The Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities training now includes learning to work with adults in groups and hands-on as well as special needs children. Jeremy is also the creator of JKA Solvents and Glue. Jeremy will begin new JKA Abilities and Solvents and Glue teacher trainings in 2025. https://jeremy-krauss.com

JKA Solvents & Glue Part 1 & 2 are pre-requisites for the 2025 JKA Solvents and Glue Teacher Training

Join the waitlist to hear all the details:

“I’m so glad that I join your Workshop. I went to hike Rinjani mountain, the 3rd tallest mountain in Indonesia on mid April. With no experience and preparation, I can reach the top of the mountain with lots of effort off course, but surprisingly no injury and safely come back home even though the tracks quite extreme. I believe S+G1 help me gain more flexibility on my body, especially my ankle.

I love the results I get from S&G 1. I had injury on my left hip & left shoulder. I often feel stiffness on my left SI joint & posterior part of my left shoulder on certain movements. After the course, I can feel the connection on my left hip, that I usually feel less powerful than the right hip. And the movement become clearer on my left hip and I get better ROM on that hip. My left shoulder getting better as well.

On the 3 rd day of S+G2 workshop, I went running, and it felt so light and I can run longer, the breathing also feel easier, compare to before I did S+G2. I also apply your technique to my clients, and for the client who have higher awareness, the changed is significant. E.g they can roll up easier, some do it effortlessly. Thanks Jeremy for sharing your knowledge.” -Jessica Lauw, Pilates teacher

“S&G2 online exceeded my expectations just as S&G1 exceeded them in person. S&G1 introduced me to an engaging process for exploring my current skills and ability for upright everyday movement. Every part of the process provided helpful insights for immediate improvement. A year and a half later I am still absolutely delighted with the power, pleasure and drive I now experience in every step. As a ballroom dancer I used to feel that I was moving in quicksand. After S&G1, I now have a clearer sense of organization to move gracefully with controlled power across the floor, able to move and turn so that the body positionality leads my partner and allows me the freedom to dance and enjoy the music.

SG2 expanded on my ability to move with less effort and more certainty with a stronger base and more agile torso, head and shoulders. These new skills help me to meet my immediate movement needs by reducing the awkward and rigid use of my frame. SG1 & 2 give me a way to cultivate an attitude of continuous improvement in myself to feel the dynamic forces of positioning that are possible by nurturing integrated harmony in how I move. Looking forward to SG3!” - Mark Lichtenberger, Feldenkrais practitioner

“I was a participant in Solvent & Glue Parts 1 and 2 and am excited about this new kind of experience.
The training over four consecutive days of four hours each allowed for a gradual and accurate exploration of movement patterns and was also physically challenging depending on the intensity of my own participation. Jeremy is a wonderful teacher and designed the sessions to be well paced, interesting and varied. I was comfortable participating in the sessions via Zoom and not having to travel long distances to experience his teaching in person. Despite the distance via Zoom, he was able to create a very personal atmosphere and cater specifically to each individual and their questions.

I had problems after a knee operation at the beginning of part 1 of the seminar and a so-called heel spur at the beginning of part 2. Despite these impairments, I was able to participate wonderfully in the seminars and both problems improved significantly through the training. My body felt integrated and strong after the sessions and I also felt strengthened in my personality. I would recommend the Sovents & Glue seminars to anyone even without any special prior knowledge. I will gladly participate in the refresher seminars and hope that Jeremy will soon offer a continuation Solvent & Glue Part 3.” -Beatrice Baumel, Feldenkrais practitioner

“I feel really grateful for this research! Coming out of several important injuries over the last years, I suffered more and more the loss of stability and mobility. Meanwhile I felt unable to identify in which way I should improve… Doing your exercises allowed me to sense where stability would come from again and I felt a huge pleasure to go for it following your path… I felt energized and woken up getting an idea henceforward how to proceed and found hope and confidence! I feel more and more stability. I improve my sense of balance again and feel more free and secure descending stairs for example, or descending steep hillsides. After 1.5 years, walking finds some flow again, even if one leg is still more heavy and stiff. Also my breath gets easily deeper and my upper body can somehow relax on stable feeling legs.” - Fitzi

“I am 76 with arthritic joints and a left hip replacement 22 years ago. Given the unconscious accommodations my body has made over the years, I found the precise approach in S+G has helped me pin point the areas of compensation and learn to get back to ‘normal’ movement. I find with practicing the movements on my own, I have increased lower extremity strength, improved balance and upright posture. The Solvents and Glue approach focuses on precise strengthening in the context of the connectedness of one body part to the whole body…the ultimate closed chain approach. For those who are familiar with the Feldenkrais approach, S+G applies awareness of the connectedness of the movement of one body part with the entire body and adds a strengthening component.” - Ann Strand

“Invaluable! More detailed information – just what I was looking for! Loved the clarity of the information presented, the amount of time spent on demonstrating, and ample time to practice. The availability of Jeremy for questions and hands-on practice is well reserved for the students. I will definitely return for further training” - Judith Birtwistle, Anat Baniel Practitioner and JKA master class participant

“Jeremy Krauss inspires you to new levels of learning and creating. Jeremy integrates current scientific trends with the work. When you complete a course with Jeremy, you have a greater appreciation of what is and a perception of the infinite possibilities of what could be.-Ada Griffith-Valentine, Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner

Jeremy’s class was one of the most worthwhile classes I have taken in years. He is that rare teacher with knowledge, compassion and empathy for his students. I really felt he wanted us to learn and appreciated that for each of us it was a personal process. I felt free to ask questions. I took home concrete new ways to work and problem solve with my students.” - Karen Donelson, Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer

“Awesome – Direct, Clear – No Drama” - Carrie Ashton, Physical Therapist, DPT, GCS and Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Jeremy is articulate, respectful, clear, stays on topic and clarifies as is needed. Jeremy can invent small precise movement explorations that at every moment guides me to notice a new perspective of myself and how to accomplish what is important to me” - Osa Jackson, PHD, Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Very Good! Valuable, very useful information and practice techniques that I have been/will be be using in my practice. Excellent, Clear, easy to understand, good pace, patient, plenty of time for students to ask questions.” -Rachel Eban, Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Energizing and Educational – Very Very Good I am able to take the material of what we learned and practiced into my practice immediately when I get home and start working. Jeremy has always had a clear and concise approach and the quality of his teaching inspires me to reach my higher potential.” -Jacklyn Boone, Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Excellent, Clear, Concise, specific in verbiage and in hand positions. Jeremy continues to address and communicate well the class material to multiple levels of trained/educated people with various abilities of communication I would recommend that other practitioners study with Jeremy. I have my best learning experiences with Jeremy. His specificity is amazing, so clear. His teaching manner is supportive and open to sharing and maintains the thread he wishes to impart” - Duane Karr, Feldenkrais Practitioner