Reducing, Raising and Equalizing Tone
Advanced Training
with Jeremy Krauss
March 31, April 1 & 2
In your hands-on
sessions learn to:
Work more precisely with the spine using spinal specificity
Observe and clarify anti-gravity relationships
Make the biggest impact in the smallest amount of time
A special opportunity to work live hands-on with Jeremy
Jeremy Krauss is known for his clarity, depth, observational skills, and inspiring people to teach and practice in innovative ways. He has a unique way of teaching combining over 40 years of practicing, teaching and facilitating teacher trainings of the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and his understanding of infant development. He is the founder and director of the Jeremy Krauss Approach.
Jeremy lives in Germany and rarely comes to the US for teaching!
What is Resting Muscular Tone?
From Wikipedia:
”Both the extensor and flexor muscles are involved in the maintenance of a constant tone while at rest.
Tone is Dynamic
When someone lies on the table, and you start to move them, you start to feel their tone.
Tone is dynamic and should fit the needs of each individual at a particular time.
Sometimes to improve,
people need to:
lower their tone
raise their tone
lower their tone in one
place and raise it in another
In this advanced training you will develop your ability to:
→ Observe and clarify
anti-gravity relationships
→ Recognize whether your
client could use support to
raise, lower or equalize tone
→ Discern where to begin
to make a difference
→ Make the biggest impact in the
smallest amount of time
→ Clarify and simplify your
touch & handling skills
→ Work more precisely with the
spine using spinal specificity
→ Support your clients to access
more of their potential
Sample Daily Schedule
JKA-ATM lesson (Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Through Movement)
Q & A, Clarifications of JKA-ATM
Hands-on Demonstration
Practice w/ Jeremy’s hands-on supervision & feedback
—- Lunch Break —
Clarification Demonstration
Practice w/ Jeremy’s hands-on supervision & feedback
Q & A / Closing
There will be a daily Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Through Movement lesson
Audio recordings of these JKA-ATM lessons are included in the workshop
Who can attend?
This advanced training is open to Feldenkrais, JKA, ABM, MBS practitioners