Reducing, Raising and Equalizing Tone

Advanced Training
with Jeremy Krauss

March 31, April 1 & 2

In your hands-on
sessions learn to:

  • Work more precisely with the spine using spinal specificity

  • Observe and clarify anti-gravity relationships

  • Make the biggest impact in the smallest amount of time

A special opportunity to work live hands-on with Jeremy

Jeremy Krauss is known for his clarity, depth, observational skills, and inspiring people to teach and practice in innovative ways. He has a unique way of teaching combining over 40 years of practicing, teaching and facilitating teacher trainings of the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and his understanding of infant development. He is the founder and director of the Jeremy Krauss Approach.

Jeremy lives in Germany and rarely comes to the US for teaching!

What is Resting Muscular Tone?

From Wikipedia:
”Both the extensor and flexor muscles are involved in the maintenance of a constant tone while at rest.

Tone is Dynamic

When someone lies on the table, and you start to move them, you start to feel their tone.

Tone is dynamic and should fit the needs of each individual at a particular time.

Sometimes to improve,
people need to:

lower their tone

raise their tone


lower their tone in one
place and raise it in another

In this advanced training you will develop your ability to:

→ Observe and clarify
anti-gravity relationships

→ Recognize whether your
client could use support to
raise, lower or equalize tone

→ Discern where to begin
to make a difference

→ Make the biggest impact in the
smallest amount of time

→ Clarify and simplify your
touch & handling skills

→ Work more precisely with the
spine using spinal specificity

→ Support your clients to access
more of their potential

Sample Daily Schedule

JKA-ATM lesson (Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Through Movement)

Q & A, Clarifications of JKA-ATM

Hands-on Demonstration

Practice w/ Jeremy’s hands-on supervision & feedback

—- Lunch Break —

Clarification Demonstration

Practice w/ Jeremy’s hands-on supervision & feedback

Q & A / Closing


There will be a daily Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities Through Movement lesson

Audio recordings of these JKA-ATM lessons are included in the workshop

Who can attend?

This advanced training is open to Feldenkrais, JKA, ABM, MBS practitioners

2 spots left - Sign up today!


Watertown Center for Healing Arts, 17 Spring Street, Watertown, MA

Dates/ times:

March 31, April 1 & 2, 2023
10am - 4:30pm each day
There will be a lunch break in the middle of each day

Cost for the 3 day Advanced Training:

$460 for the 3 day Advanced Training

Audio recordings of JKA-ATM lessons are included in the workshop


There is plenty of parking nearby as well as bus lines that come to Watertown Square. During the lunch breaks you can go to one of the may nearby restaurants or bring a lunch with you and eat in the room. There is a small kitchenette with a fridge and microwave that you can also use. If you are coming from out of town and need support to find housing contact support

About Jeremy Krauss:

Jeremy Krauss was a direct student of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. In his 40 years of practice and teaching he has directed 28 Feldenkrais Professional Trainings. He has also created and developed groundbreaking work in the field of early developmental movement and its applications to special needs children. The Jeremy Krauss Approach Abilities training now includes learning to work with adults in groups and hands-on as well as special needs children. Jeremy is also the creator of JKA Solvents and Glue which is now completing its first teacher training program in May 2023.

What People are Saying about Jeremy’s Teaching

“Invaluable! More detailed information – just what I was looking for! Loved the clarity of the information presented, the amount of time spent on demonstrating, and ample time to practice. The availability of Jeremy for questions and hands-on practice is well reserved for the students. I will definitely return for further training”
Judith Birtwistle, Anat Baniel Practitioner and JKA master class participant

“Jeremy Krauss inspires you to new levels of learning and creating. Jeremy integrates current scientific trends with the work. When you complete a course with Jeremy, you have a greater appreciation of what is and a perception of the infinite possibilities of what could be.-Ada Griffith-Valentine, Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner

Jeremy’s class was one of the most worthwhile classes I have taken in years. He is that rare teacher with knowledge, compassion and empathy for his students. I really felt he wanted us to learn and appreciated that for each of us it was a personal process. I felt free to ask questions. I took home concrete new ways to work and problem solve with my students.” - Karen Donelson, Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer

“Awesome – Direct, Clear – No Drama” - Carrie Ashton, Physical Therapist, DPT, GCS and Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Jeremy is articulate, respectful, clear, stays on topic and clarifies as is needed. Jeremy can invent small precise movement explorations that at every moment guides me to notice a new perspective of myself and how to accomplish what is important to me” - Osa Jackson, PHD, Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Very Good! Valuable, very useful information and practice techniques that I have been/will be be using in my practice. Excellent, Clear, easy to understand, good pace, patient, plenty of time for students to ask questions.” -Rachel Eban, Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Energizing and Educational – Very Very Good I am able to take the material of what we learned and practiced into my practice immediately when I get home and start working. Jeremy has always had a clear and concise approach and the quality of his teaching inspires me to reach my higher potential.” -Jacklyn Boone, Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Excellent, Clear, Concise, specific in verbiage and in hand positions. Jeremy continues to address and communicate well the class material to multiple levels of trained/educated people with various abilities of communication I would recommend that other practitioners study with Jeremy. I have my best learning experiences with Jeremy. His specificity is amazing, so clear. His teaching manner is supportive and open to sharing and maintains the thread he wishes to impart” - Duane Karr, Feldenkrais Practitioner