Jeremy Krauss Approach
Learn to create changes in attention, sensation and overall sense of self - physically, mentally & emotionally.
JKA Abilities Lessons in Movement provide a unique and supportive environment for clarifying the experience yourself in movement and helps to create profound changes in self-organization, sensing, thinking and feeling.
Done in various positions/ relationships to gravity
JKA Solvents and Glue is an ingenious and unique series of extraordinarily effective movement lessons that support feelings of: stability • mobility • clarity • solidity • strength • stamina • connection • confidence • balance • upright • vitality
Primarily in Standing, with some lessons in chairs
Interviews with Jeremy Krauss
JKA is a unique approach developed by Jeremy Krauss, a direct student of Moshe Feldenkrais, who taught 28 Feldenkrais Professional Trainings over the last 40 years. These practices are open to everyone, no previous experience necessary.
About JKA Solvents & Glue
The Origins of JKA Solvents and Glue with Jeremy Krauss and Who It is For (29 min)
Ideas about Feldenkrais lessons/ Emotional and Physical Stability (11 min)
The Importance of Sequence: Relationship between JKA Solvents & Glue + Feldenkrais' Alexander Yanai (15 min)
Difference Between JKA Solvents and Glue and The Feldenkrais Method (20 min)
About JKA Abilities Lessons
Jeremy Krauss discusses Differences and similarities between JKA Abilities Lessons in Movement & Feldenkrais ATM (Awareness Through Movement) (12 min)
How do physical changes in JKA-ALM influence emotional well-being and creative thinking? (13 min)
JKA-ALM Intro lesson to Creating Change Workshop (25 min)