Learning, Movement and the Structure of Play
In just a few years, babies and young children transform from unformed beings to incredibly potent learners. This astounding process is self-organized. It happens largely without overt adult instruction. In this series we will use movement explore lessons from the developmental process, and uncover structures of developmental play that lay the foundation for lifelong learning.
You will learn to:
Rediscover how it feels to move like a baby
Re-connect to a sense of ease, curiosity, flexibility and possibility
Understand a baby’s motor learning process & its relationship to other areas of development
Support the learning the development of babies and young children in your personal and professional life
The Feldenkrias Method® of somatic education and the Anat Baniel Method for Children® are innovative, developmentally-based approaches to learning that utilize movement + attention to enhance awareness, clarify and support fundamental movement patterns, increase our range of movement and thought, and refine our ability to learn.
About Matty Wilkinson:
Matty Wilkinson earned an M.A. from the Tufts Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development and taught in early childhood classrooms for 12 years. As a certified practitioner of the Feldenkrias Method® of somatic education and the Anat Baniel Method for Children®, Matty helps children with a wide range of challenges reach their fullest potential in motor, cognitive, social, and language development. He practices in Cambridge, MA and travels to Denmark twice a year to work with children and families at the Scandinavian Center for Neurodevelopmental Movement. He is the father of two young children who love to climb, dance, and explore.