Creating Neurological Balance & Ease
Holiday Sale - 35% off!
6 week self-paced online Feldenkrais® Series with David Zemach-Bersin
A set of empowering tools that you can use to support healthy neurological balance in stressful times.
The Feldenkrais-based lessons featured in this series will interact with your brain's neurological flexibility to bring your nervous system back to a calm, restorative state.
Each class will help you to reduce the negative effects of anxiety and stress, and develop an optimal balance between action and relaxation.
Due to the current pandemic, many of us have experienced an increase in stress, anxiety and trauma related symptoms. Unfortunately, our nervous systems can easily become habituated to a 'sympathetic', or tense and alert state, in which anxiety creates tension, and tension creates anxiety. This self-perpetuating pattern is exhausting and associated with high blood pressure, poor posture, aches and pains, compromised breathing, high cortisol levels, and a suppressed immune system.
The original exercises in this series were developed by Dr. Feldenkrais and David Zemach-Bersin
Each exercise takes advantage of your brain's neuroplasticity to access your innate ability to change, interrupt habitual patterns, and will give you the tools you need to create a neurological equilibrium which you can count on.
David will share some of the exercises and techniques that he has found to be most effective with his students and clients, and that he uses himself to calm and relax his nervous system.
These novel and gentle exercises are appropriate for everyone.
No previous experience with the Feldenkrais Method is needed to participate.
Practitioners and those with experience with the method welcome too!