“In those moments when awareness succeeds in being at one with feeling, senses, movement, and thought, the carriage will speed along on the right road. Then (we) can make discoveries, invent, create, innovate, and ‘know.’ (We) grasp that (this) small world and the great world around are but one...“

- Moshe Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement, p.54 , Text changed from he to we

A process of embodied learning through movement and awareness that gives you access to your potential

The Feldenkrais Method® is a path to expand your potential as a human being. Many people come to it for pain relief or recovery from a neurological condition and then stay to continue learning into old age. Artists, actors, writers and musicians find the method gives them a more clear access to an embodied self-as-instrument. “It is not just a method of body movement, but rather an awakening of bodily resourcefulness and creativity.” –Ruthy Alon

Learn to create changes in attention, sensation and overall sense of self - physically, mentally & emotionally.

JKA Abilities Movement lessons provide a unique and supportive environment for clarifying your experience of yourself in movement and help to create profound changes in self-organization, sensing, thinking and feeling.

JKA Solvents and Glue is an ingenious new and unique series of extraordinarily effective movement lessons that support feelings of: stability • mobility • clarity • solidity • strength • stamina • connection • confidence • balance • upright • vitality

Expand your nervous system’s natural capacity to heal and self-organize.

“Tiffany has lead me to a greater sense of wholeness and acceptance by weaving in and differentiating layers of sensing, imaging, meaning and feeling into my felt experience. It`s like no state, no emotion has just one solid quality and by exploring all it`s different nuances it breaks apart and opens up to moving into something new.

Working with Tiffany feels like a huge gift and has touched and enriched many areas of my being. The most profound shift that I can put into words is this newly discovered intelligence of my own system, the rhythmic nature of it`s life and with this embodied knowledge came a sense of ease, trust and purpose that I could not be more grateful for.” -Katharina Jänicke, Germany, Social Worker