30 Days of Movement & Creativity Practice

If you committed to 30 days of practice for the month of August, what would you practice?

Would it be a creative practice or movement or stillness practice or a combination?

Would you do the same thing everyday or mix it up?

I've been enjoying the dynamic summer balance of family, work and play and am more and more clear how important it is for me to create space for my own movement and creativity practices.

I'm excited to share a new free experiment with you and you’re invited to join me!

⇨ Join me for 30 Days of Practice. Engage in your own movement and/ or creativity practice for 30 days with support of community.

In this playground / experimental space (on Substack), I’ll share daily inspiration, fragments, themes, elements, process, play, gems, highlights, questions, invitations, beauty and connection--- from my own practice(s) and invite you to share what's alive for you in your movement & creativity practice(s) throughout the month of August.

✷✷✷ Practices in my toolbox:

The Jeremy Krauss Approach is a unique and effective approach that creates changes in attention, sensation and overall sense of self - physically, mentally & emotionally.

The Feldenkrais Method® is a process of embodied learning through movement and awareness that gives you access to your potential.

Organic Intelligence® is the art of attuning to your nervous system’s naturally arising impulses that move you into your life path.

Authentic Movement is a practice of following your impulse to move or be still that connects you more deeply to yourself and others.

Creative process is a powerful way to integrate the fullness of your life experience and connect to the world around you.