Deep Work Circle - 3 month Organic Intelligence® Series
w/ Tiffany Sankary

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We will come together as a group to support our individual and collective Organic Intelligence to move through us and guide our Deep Work. 

Group discussion + guided practices + open spaces. We will make space for ourselves, our bodies, and what we want to create.

Organic Intelligence is:

orientation to the present moment

orientation to pleasure

positive self-organizing impulses

biological synchrony

connecting to the heart of why you are here

Deep Work is:

whatever you are called to do/ not do

a creative project

deliberate practice

deep learning or study

listening to/ discerning what it is that you really want

“Who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.” - Cal Newport

Monthly Focus:

Month 1: Connection, Orientation & Mapping

  • We will connect to our group and what brings us together at this time

  • We will explore the question "What is our Deep Work?"

  • Orientation to the Organic Intelligence 3 phase map of the nervous system

  • Orientation practice: connecting to the environment through the senses

  • Mapping the oscillation of "red and blue" as an alternative to the "what's wrong attention"

  • Mapping our Deep Work focus for this month

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Month 2: Structure & Self Organization

  • We will connect about our Organic Intelligence & Deep Work experiments/ experiences

  • Deep Work strategies

  • Overview of ISOMA Channels of Awareness: Image, Sensation, Orientation, Meaning and Affect

  • ISOMA experiential practice

  • Brainstorming structures for supporting our Deep Work this month

Month 3: Capacity to Create & Integrate

  • We will connect about how we are integrating Organic Intelligence & Deep Work 

  • Curriculum TBD based on what happens in months 1 & 2!

  • Closing reflections

“To learn is an act of deep work”
-Cal Newport

"Attention tends to potentiate the process it goes toward.” -Steve Hoskinson