Sense Writing: Clarity in Complexity
Feldenkrais Podcast #2 with Madelyn Kent
We talked about:
quieting noise/ anxiety
moving through creative blocks
complex awareness
neuroplastic healing
and the possibility of the quieter, more subtle parts of ourselves coming out of the woodwork.
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0:33 Welcome Madelyn Kent!
1:02 The genesis of Sense Writing
2:12 Looking at the level of anxiety and blocks in herself and peers
3:30 Madelyn leaves her job & community in NY for a Feldenkrais Training in Tel Aviv
4:42 Making connections between writing & Feldenkrais lessons
5:30 Organic nature of our own learning and creativity
7:27 Level of activation/ noise in writers and artists with creative blocks
8:17 Moshe Feldenkrais pinpointed that we can increase our learning and complex awareness in a state of calm. How can we be both engaged and relaxed at the same time?
9:30 Clarified choices = FLOW
10:30 Quiet the overwhelm & now what?
12:30 Ebbing and flowing between movement and writing - not dichotomized
13:37 Habits of language that keep us from really being connected
14:20 Get past the noise, past the slogans
14:58 Leonard Cohen quote: “I like to work on a song until those slogans, as wonderful as they are and as wholesome as the ideas they promote are, dissolve into deeper convictions of the heart.”
15:15 "Tuning a Radio" metaphor
18:20 Integrating Feldenkrais principles into creative writing
19:30 Relationship between constraints and freedom
20:26 Norman Doidge, the chronicler of neuroplasticity, on constraint induced therapy
21:20 Amblyopia when she was a child, lazy eye, eye patch... Power of slow learning, neuroplastic healing and constraints
23:00 Inviting quieter, more subtle parts of ourselves to come out of the woodwork.
23:35 Allowing the microscope turned up to the places that are non-habitual.
24:08 There are stories that are hidden. There are landscapes and terrains that are in us, real and imagined. The invisible become more visible.
24:46 Five principles of Sense Writing (see above!)
25:57 Intro to Madelyn's Sense Writing online course
29:44 Possibility in Paradox
29:55 Madelyn's a new contributor to Movement and Creativity Library!
31:28 Last question! What are you in the process of learning?
32:00 You can get off the train and get back on. Time off and fallowness is important to the creative process. When you leave something, connections are made that you would never get to if you just plodded along. Allow yourself to be off the train…
The vision for Feldenkrais Podcast is to share the richness and depth of the Feldenkrais Method® through interviewing Feldenkrais practitioners and trainers about their work, practices, and unique contributions to the Method.
5 main principles of Sense Writing:
1. Containment & Orientation
2. Constraints & Freedom
3. Differentiation & Integration
4. Articulated sensitivity
5. Non-habitual Flow
About Madelyn Kent:
Madelyn Kent is a playwright and director, and former instructor of playwriting, screenwriting, and theater at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. In 2008, she left New York to study The Feldenkrais Method with Ruty Bar in Tel Aviv. She is the Developer of Sense Writing, a neuro-sensory approach to writing and the creative process and has taught the method to nearly 1,000 participants in 8 countries.Madelyn Kent is a playwright and director, and former instructor of playwriting, screenwriting, and theater at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. In 2008, she left New York to study The Feldenkrais Method with Ruty Bar in Tel Aviv. She is the Developer of Sense Writing, a neuro-sensory approach to writing and the creative process and has taught the method to nearly 1,000 participants in 8 countries.