Biking is way easier! I am stronger! / Swimming is effortless and newly powerful / Zumba is even more fun with sharp and clear movements/ Hands-on sessions w/ clients are extra inspiring & effective! / Expansive creative thinking…
Finding Our Own Handwriting
On Simplicity and Complexity
One Word
Imaginary Meeting between Dr. Martin Luther King and Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
Podcast Birth!
Movement and Creativity Podcast: Nervous system love and inspiration exploring the intersection of Feldenkrais®, Organic Intelligence®, Authentic Movement and creative process. Audio collages, interviews and guided practices with Tiffany Sankary and guests.
Movement from pain, stress, anxiety, and disconnection towards ease, pleasure, creativity and community.
Why do Feldenkrais?
Age gracefully I’m so inspired by my Feldenkrais teachers in their 80s. They continue to improve their movement habits even as they age – just as others their age seem to keep declining…
Feel More. Update your habits. Learn to slow down. Improve your brain’s map of your body. Discover the gifts inside pain. Grow your attentional flexibility. Be mindful and spontaneous. Become yourself…
Involve Your Entire Being
You do not have to be good
Mind/ Body/ Environment
“Most people will agree that the body and the mind are two aspects of the same thing, or two poles of the same entity, but they still cannot appreciate that there is no mind without environment…”-Moshe Feldenkrais. Chapter 17 from Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning.
Feldenkrais Perspective on Learning to Learn
drip, drop, drip
"There is no waste in creative process." -Amy Walsh
The little things, big things, stolen moments, mess, serendipity, inspiration, education, devotion, mistakes, misspellings, struggle, dust, dream---all of it.
When you stay in the process, with the practice, in whatever imaginable and unimaginable ways, all the little drops add up.