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The Potent Self: Meeting Life with Choice

This is an excerpt from a 90 minute workshop, part of The Art of Learning: Intro to The Feldenkrais Method.

Moshe Feldenkrais on Self Love:

“What is important is that you get the person to love himself, not just like himself. If you achieve that you are worth your weight in diamonds. If you take a person who hates himself, has no confidence, and make him feel that he can love himself. He feels he can begin to rely on his own self and begins to have self-confidence to stand on his feet.

Well, who can do that? No politician can, no millionaire can. You can‘t buy that for money. Yet, you may be able to do it and that means that you are richer than any of those. And a very funny thing. Wherever you go in the world, you will find that you are needed, without exception. Which is a nice feeling.” -Moshe Feldenkrais, June 20, 1977, San Francisco Training

"One ought to learn to be as polite with oneself as with anybody else, and to feel just as awkward disturbing oneself with irrelevant problems when doing anything of consequence..." - Moshe Feldenkrais, The Potent Self

“All people with well matured mind and body functions carry themselves in the potent state" -Moshe Feldenkrais, Body and Mature Behavior. p 106

“It is commonly believed that one must wait for the muse or some other inspiration to bring about such happy moments. But mature, creative people have learned to know themselves sufficiently well so that they can bring themselves to the reversible state of acture.” -Moshe Feldenkrais, The Potent Self, p 199-200

Image from Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning
Chapter 24: The Potent State

Jeff Haller studied directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the Feldenkrais Method®. In 1983, Jeff graduated from his own professional training program in Amherst, Massachusetts.

After graduation from his Feldenkrais training in 1983, Jeff named his business Inside Moves. Over the years, Inside Moves has gone through many different forms including as a movement arts center in Seattle, WA begun in 1984 to 1991 where classes in Feldenkrais, Aikido, Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation were offered.

From 1993 to the present day Jeff’s primary focus has been to train Feldenkrais Method teachers. In the following years, he developed and refined his skills, traveling and working in Feldenkrais training programs, while building an extensive private practice in his hometowns of Bend, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.