What do you really want?

I have been doing a lot of soul searching, visioning, prioritizing lately and I am learning so much! I am asking myself the question, "What is it that I really want?" which is one of the core questions of The Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement practice. My answers are unfolding, but one this is clear: I want connection with myself and others.

INVITATION: Take a moment to pause, connect with yourself and ask yourself the question: What do you really want?

I would love to hear from you. Bringing language to your intentions can be a powerful step in reorganizing your brain/body/life. Please comment below!

I look forward to connecting with you. 

These are comments from the original post in the past version of this website.May 01, 2016 • Posted by cathyI want to have a healthy happy life .Apr 18, 2016 • Posted by cyndyto let myself be, myself. without judgement. and in doing so, ho…

These are comments from the original post in the past version of this website.

May 01, 2016 • Posted by cathy

I want to have a healthy happy life .

Apr 18, 2016 • Posted by cyndy

to let myself be, myself. without judgement. and in doing so, hopefully inspire others to be their true selves

Apr 17, 2016 • Posted by Caleb Winebrenner

I want to integrate what I know about wellness and empowerment with my work in the arts. I am discerning if this means training to be a Feldenkrais Practitioner, or something else, but I am enjoying the journey.

I want the life that wills to live in me to express itself.

Apr 08, 2016 • Posted by Suzy

I also want more connection with others and myself but I want those connections to feel safe, respectful and to be honored as true gifts we can give each other. I want to know how to make that safe space for myself and others…