I changed my mind!
Flexible Spine/ Flexible Mind
That was the title of a workshop I taught in 2019.
It was originally called Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method. I started to get the word out about it and I realized it didn’t light me up! Beginners still welcome!
Right now, in this crazy world we're living in I'm feeling the importance of having a flexible mind—the ability to change plans, to see bigger pictures that include paradox, complexity, confusion, questions, puzzles, patterns...
I’m dove directly into this territory in creating Feldenkrais Mixtape, a series available in Movement and Creativity Library.
I have just been given permission from the International Feldenkrais Federation to share some archival audio and video clips of Moshe Feldenkrais as a part of a new podcast and some videos I’m creating!
Here's my first video:
Audio and video clip of Moshe Feldenkrais used with kind permission of International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive. All rights reserved.