Deborah Bowes shares her thinking behind her self paced online Feldenkrais Series: Curiosity, Self Image and Pain
Enlarge Curiosity and Develop Self Knowledge (5 min)
Create new metaphors to counter the "war on pain"→ movement towards curiosity as an approach, rather than self-violence.
If Winnie the Pooh and Friends came for a Feldenkrais lesson (1 min)
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement and Self Respect (1 min)
Online Feldenkrais series w/ Deborah Bowes: Curiosity, Self Image and Pain
The experience of chronic pain changes your self-image which is made up of how you move, think, feel, and sense yourself. Feldenkrais lessons help you to discover how to move more, sense more, think and feel in new ways that don't increase pain.
One if the main tools of the Feldenkrais Method is curiosity. Curiosity can be trained so that you can notice how you move and discover how to move differently, without pain, without judgement, starting right where you are. With awareness and learning to notice differences, you can change self-image and go from the limitations of thinking 'I can't' to the freedom of 'I can'.
Self-paced online series
This series designed for anyone who has an interest in chronic pain, such as, someone who has pain, or loves someone with pain, or works with clients with pain.
Deborah Bowes is a Feldenkrais® Teacher and Trainer. She initially trained as a physical therapist at Columbia University in New York and later earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Shenandoah University in Virginia. She holds a B.S. in Biology and Physical Education from Rhode Island College.
As a Guild Certified Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method® since 2000, she has taught widely in the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Australia and Colombia for 14 different training organizations and in over 32 training programs. Her other related in-depth studies and practices include Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, yoga, sensory awareness, meditation, and dance.
Deborah co-founded the San Francisco Feldenkrais® Center for Movement and Awareness in 1988, and for the past 30 years, has provided Feldenkrais lessons, classes, and workshops to adults and children. She has made many presentations and trainings to professional organizations, university programs, hospitals, and other professional groups. She is an adjunct faculty member at Saybrook University, teaching Movement Modalities and Wellness. Her doctoral research demonstrated the benefit of her original Feldenkrais Method program, Pelvic Health and Awareness for men and women, for improving pelvic floor health.