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Being 3-Dimensional

Connecting moving, feeling, thinking & imagining

Differentiation, Integration & Celebration :)

New to Feldenkrais?

You’re in the right place. Get down on the floor to experience the life changing power of the practice and also listen to talks about Feldenkrais philosophy that will help you integrate your learning into other areas of you life.

Already love Feldenkrais?

As you know, the learning is endless—-This series will deepen your practice and your ever evolving understanding. We will play with what you already know and mix it up in new ways. Our brains love novelty, new perspectives, interpretations, and iterations…


The Feldenkrais Mixtape Experience:

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9 week self-paced online series weaving together Feldenkrais lessons, principles and related threads

PART 1: The Process of Self Direction
PART 2: Thinking in Patterns
PART 3: Experiencing Beauty

This is for:

  • Artists, musicians, dancers, performers who want to expand their options & wake up their creative sparks

  • People in pain or who have lost mobility

  • People who experience stress & anxiety

  • People who are looking for a gentle entry into being in their bodies

Learn ways to:

  • Improve your ability to move, think & feel

  • Reduce tension, pain and stress

  • Increase flexibility, stability and comfort

  • Develop resilience through curiosity and experimentation

  • Care for yourself and listen to creative impulses

  • Bring ease into your daily life

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“Learning to think in patterns of relationships, in sensations divorced from the fixity of words, allows us to find hidden resources...” - Moshe Feldenkrais

Course Includes:

8 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® classes with Tiffany Sankary

3 online Guest Teacher Workshops with Steven Hoskinson, Deborah Bowes and Aliza Stewart

6 Moshe Feldenkrais video collages using archival footage from his last training in Amherst, MA

A collection of audio downloads for you to keep

10% of proceeds from Feldenkrais Mixtape will be donated to the International Feldenkrais Federation to support the production of new Feldenkrais materials

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Audio and video clip of Moshe Feldenkrais used with kind permission of © International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive. All rights reserved.

Moshe Feldenkrais

The method/ process

The Feldenkrais Method® was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, engineer, judo master and student of human development. In the 1940-1970's he explored the interconnections between the body, mind, environment, and self development.


Tiffany Sankary

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teaching + curating

Tiffany Sankary is an artist, Assistant Feldenkrais Trainer and creator/ curator of Movement & Creativity Library. She loves bringing humans together to learn, move and create in compassionate and experimental ways.

She is the editor and illustrator of Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning, a visual guide to the philosophy and writings of Moshe Feldenkrais. And she’s the creator of Feldenkrais Mixtape!


Steve Hoskinson


Self Organization: Navigating Emotional Landscapes

Steve Hoskinson, MA, MAT, is the Founder of Organic Intelligence®. Steve has trained therapists around the globe for nearly 20 years in the art of the compassionate treatment of trauma. His specialty is complex systems, and understanding how biology meets psychology. As a leader in the Somatic Psychology field, Steve worked as International Training Faculty for the Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute for 17 years and is currently Adjunct Faculty for JFK University’s Somatic Psychology program.


Deborah Bowes


Thinking in Walking

Deborah Bowes is a Feldenkrais® Trainer and PT who has taught in over 32 training programs around the world. Deborah co-founded the San Francisco Feldenkrais® Center for Movement and Awareness in 1988. She is an adjunct faculty member at Saybrook University. She specializes in in changing the neural pattern of chronic pain and in improving pelvic floor health.


Aliza Stewart

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Aesthetic Pleasure in Movement and Life

Aliza Stewart, originally trained as a concert pianist, has been a Feldenkrais practitioner for 32 years and is the Educational Director of Feldenkrais training programs in Boston and Baltimore. She has taught in trainings around the world - U.S., Israel, Europe and South America. Originally trained as a concert pianist, Aliza has a great affinity for the needs and problems of performers. She specializes in helping musicians achieve their personal and musical goals. In addition to aiding them in recovery from playing related injuries, Aliza helps musicians to improve their overall sound and technique and to express more naturally their musical and aesthetic concepts in performance.

“Beauty is recognizing the pattern which connects”
- Gregory Bateson