Mary Spire — Movement & Creativity

JKA Solvents & Glue Boston & Zoom: 4 day workshops + Weekly classes

Online Feldenkrais series with Mary Spire:

Optimal Moves: Effortless Use of the Arms and Hands

These innovative and potent Feldenkrais lessons focus on how to use the powerful, strong muscles of the lower back and pelvis to free the neck and shoulders, thus reducing the strain in the arms, fingers, and wrists. These lessons are especially beneficial for musicians, for people who work at computer keyboards and for anyone who wishes to improve the use of their arms and hands. By improving posture, breathing, coordination and thinking as you learn to move in new ways, you can prevent injury and improve your performance skills.  

About Mary Spire

Mary Spire is an experienced teacher and trainer of the Feldenkrais Method ®. A Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, she has been actively teaching since graduating in 1987 from the Feldenkrais Foundation Training and, for the last 18 years, has served as a trainer in Feldenkrais® Professional Training Programs worldwide. She is the Educational Director and Principal Trainer of the Optimal Moves LLC Feldenkrais Teacher Training Program in Marin County, CA. Her passion is sharing her knowledge and expertise with others; she loves helping others to improve their lives and functioning and, in the words of Dr. Feldenkrais, to realize their “avowed and un-avowed dreams.”