Online Feldenkrais courses with Tiffany Sankary

Included with Movement & Creativity Membership

Treasure Chest

Arm Poetry

Unwind Mini Series

Free Your Neck and Shoulders: Unwinding the Body Pattern of Anxiety

Art of Learning: Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method®

Curiosity, Compassion & Transformation

Standing Series

Structure and Freedom

Your Pelvis Rocks!

This Moment is Your Perfect Teacher

Rolling Arms in Standing

Exploring Ease Mini Lessons

Pelvic Floor Series

Exploring Ease

Book on the Foot

About Tiffany Sankary

Before Tiffany Sankary began her journey with the Feldenkrais Method® in 2002, she was a practicing visual artist and very disconnected from her body. The Feldenkrais Method opened a door that changed the course of her life path. She now live in her body everyday and support others to deepen their inner worlds through sensory rich movement experiments, inviting curiosity, exploration and creativity. 

The integration of the changes Tiffany experienced from the Feldenkrais Method led her to dance, Authentic Movement and Organic Intelligence.

Her vision to make these practices accessible to more people beyond her private practice inspired Movement and Creativity Podcast and Movement & Creativity Library, an online resource/community curated from somatic teachers around the world, with hundreds of Feldenkrais lessons and Organic Intelligence practices to do at home, and other courses for physical, emotional and creative growth.

Tiffany is passionate about expanding our capacity for personal and collective well-being through pleasure, connection and learning in community.

Free Feldenkrais and JKA Lessons with Tiffany Sankary: