Move Create Inspire
curated by Tiffany Sankary
Biking is way easier! I am stronger! / Swimming is effortless and newly powerful / Zumba is even more fun with sharp and clear movements/ Hands-on sessions w/ clients are extra inspiring & effective! / Expansive creative thinking…
"One we can learn a movement, we know it well—in every direction, in every detail We are now free to write our own handwriting.” - Moshe Feldenkrais
This is a found poem created from Moshe Feldenkrais’ teaching in his last professional training in Amherst, MA in 1980-81. The word "simple" comes up 370 times!
“It’s more enjoyable to walk!” “My knees are painless!” “Loved the clarity and precision of the lesson”
I went back to a bodyworker after many months of doing this work, and they felt my feet and said, "Wow, you have restructured your feet!"
“After a lifetime of having a very rigid back, I feel like I can move for the first time in my life in ways that I never have been able to. And having a better appreciation for abdominal has helped that.”
Learning how to solve a movement problem is a skill that we use as a learning strategy in Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement®. This skill is very useful for dealing with pain and the skill can be generalized in one’s life.
Let's begin. What has already begun? What do you want to begin? What happens in the beginning of your inhale? And the beginning of your exhale?
"Be sure your intention is clearly present in your movement. The movement organizes itself when your intention is clear." - Moshe Feldenkrais
The Feldenkrais Method® creates a wonderful way over time to break the habit of cranking so hard and start to reclaim a lot more subtlety in our senses.
We are practicing to bring something radical to our lives and to the world. Embodied presence. Less aggression. More compassion. Less domination. More listening. Greater presence.
The injury that had seemed so permanent now feels fundamentally changed. Something else is here now, and I like the (new) feeling: integrity, strength and ability.
A simple, fun 5 minute video inspired by the Jeremy Krauss Approach® to support you to experience movement in an area in your life that feels fixed, stuck or ready for next steps,…
Feldenkrais work changed my life and nothing since then has got my attention so strongly as Jeremy Krauss’ JKA Solvents & Glue. He has a systematic approach and an ability to analyze and breakdown complex movements into simple components.
How can I make daily practice easy for me? To engage in a more consistent way, but also in ways that may just really springboard my new year in a range of ways that gives me greater capacity for learning, for expanding myself and enjoying the year ahead.
Jeremy Krauss discusses JKA-ALM and Feldenkrais ATM / How do physical changes in JKA-ALM influence emotional well-being and creative thinking? / Experience a free 25 min JKA-ALM Intro lesson
About a year ago I went down a rabbit hole researching platforms that could be the next iteration of Movement and Creativity Library + be a home for our self-paced online Feldenkrais courses…. I found something marvelous!
The past decade of my life has been quite tough, due to chronic illness and all it entails. I had been trying Feldenkrais for a while but I was running into blockades: the way other people practice; things that did not feel right to me. I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck and lost. There are lights in the tunnel, and one of them is your book, Feldenkrais Illustrated…
The Origins of JKA Solvents and Glue with Jeremy Krauss / Emotional and Physical Stability/ Stability and Strength / The Relationship between JKA Solvents & Glue + Feldenkrais' Alexander Yanai / Difference Between JKA Solvents and Glue and The Feldenkrais Method
I will do a lesson because I know that in that lesson I'm going to be up against the impossible (what is perceived to me as impossible) and that I will have this felt sense of what it is to be able to move beyond.
Reversibility is the embodied manifestation of spontaneity, the opposite of compulsion. Reversibility is a state of being, a quality of relationship to self and environment, not merely a quality of movement. It is an expression of freedom and choice, presence and poise.
“In a time when it seems we have little control, having agency over our bodies — and our internal world — is a kind of power. By engaging in a somatic experience, you come to realize that these practices are not just about creating flexible bodies, but flexible minds.” --Gia Kourlas
An imaginary meeting between Dr Martin Luther King and Dr Moshe Feldenkrais, to celebrate Dr Martin Luther King Day, imbued with all the possibilities that the Feldenkrais Method has to offer people today.
What has Feldenkrais got to do with Equality and Black Lives Matter?
Movement & Creativity Podcast Episodes #4-6.
We know, through the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais, that difference is what makes us human. We already live in a world where this is true, so now the challenge is to really live as if this is true, to move beyond our personal limitations which were inflicted on us in a range of ways to make us conform to parental and societal expectations. These limitations enable us to form the habit of discounting our own sensations and our vowed and unavowed dreams.
A mini Feldenkrais lesson exploring a potent position that is part of a global movement to end systemic racism.
"It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work and that when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.” -Wendell Berry
This lesson is done lying on your back on a mat, rug or blanket, but can also be done seated in a chair if being on your back is not comfortable.
⇨ Join me for 30 Days of Practice. Engage in your own movement and/ or creativity practice for 30 days with support of community.