What has Feldenkrais got to do with Equality and Black Lives Matter?
Feldenkrais as a Vehicle for Social Change
“Out beyond all ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” -Rumi
We know, through the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais, that difference is what makes us human. We already live in a world where this is true, so now the challenge is to really live as if this is true, to move beyond our personal limitations which were inflicted on us in a range of ways to make us conform to parental and societal expectations. These limitations enable us to form the habit of discounting our own sensations and our vowed and unavowed dreams.
On One Knee
when we no longer know what to do
Movements of the Jaw and Tongue to Reduce Anxiety
Orientation to Pleasure
Organic Intelligence® - A Path Towards Wholeness
It’s like no state no emotion has just one solid quality and by exploring all it`s different nuances it breaks apart and opens up to moving into something new… The most profound shift that I can put into words is this newly discovered intelligence of my own system, the rhythmic nature of it’s life and with this embodied knowledge came a sense of ease, trust and purpose that I could not be more grateful for.
Improvising as a Way of Life w/ Stephen Nachmanovitch
Movement & Creativity Podcast #3: Tiffany Sankary interviews Stephen Nachmanovitch, author of Free Play and The Art of Is. They talk about improvising as a way of life in teaching, learning, parenting, creative process and the balance of play, chaos, receptivity, self discovery, imperfection and connection."
Your nervous system is all the way outside your body and all the way inside and you're perceiving through every medium that you're present in." -Stephen Nachmanovitch
Complexity, Intention, Action & Self Organization
Podcast Birth!
Movement and Creativity Podcast: Nervous system love and inspiration exploring the intersection of Feldenkrais®, Organic Intelligence®, Authentic Movement and creative process. Audio collages, interviews and guided practices with Tiffany Sankary and guests.
Movement from pain, stress, anxiety, and disconnection towards ease, pleasure, creativity and community.
Flexible Spine/ Flexible Mind
Right now, in this crazy world we're living in I'm feeling the importance of having a flexible mind—the ability to change plans, to see bigger pictures that include paradox, complexity, confusion, questions, puzzles, patterns...
I’m diving directly into this territory in creating Feldenkrais Mixtape, my fall live and online series.